Empty lot: these two stores are closing in the De Leyens shopping center

Baker Ammerlaan

After more than forty years, Bakker Ammerlaan disappears from De Leyens shopping center. This branch has grown along with the neighbourhood: who hasn’t bought half a loaf of tiger bread, a fresh croissant or cake? The rental period ends around the summer and Ammerlaan will focus on a new branch that will be opened outside our city.

Joost Ammerlaan, among others, has worked with the municipality to look at how the De Leyens shopping center can be made more attractive by changing the layout. “The main crowd pullers are the Albert Heijn and Lidl supermarkets. After parking, most visitors do not get further than those supermarkets and the parking lot. The other stores are more hidden in the shopping center so they don’t really stand out from the outside.”

RandstadRail makes reclassification difficult

The conclusion is that the shopping center is not suitable for refurbishment, partly due to the presence of the railway and the RandstadRail stop. “We want to maintain a maximum number of branches with Bakker Ammerlaan. With the arrival of our new store, we have decided to close it in De Leyens after years of presence.” The other Ammerlaan branches in Zoetermeer will remain as usual.

Bakker Ammerlaan in De Leyens. Photo: in the neighborhood of Zoetermeer

Baker Ammerlaan De Leyens

Broekweg side 113, 2725 PD Zoetermeer

Now open

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