“Empty cradles”: the General States of the Birth are back

“THEdemographic winter “,”empty cribs“,”children are no longer born”: If the expressions that tell of the demographic crisis of our age are many, few and not enough are the solutions found so far to this issue, a question from which the future of the country passes.

Birth rate: the States General are back

Because children are not just a gift, they are also a common good, a human, social and working capital. They are the most important good that each generation produces and bequeaths to the world to come. Yet, from the data, we are wasting this opportunity.

They try to give him some answers General states of the birth rate, the largest Italian event dedicated to fighting the demographic crisis. And after the Pope’s participation in the 2021 edition, the event returns again this year on March 15, 2022 at 4 pm live streaming on Facebook channels @general statistics of birth, @forumfamilies And @quimamme.

“From empty cradles to the restart of the country”

The 2022 event, entitled “From empty cradles to the restart of the country”, It is also an invitation to share proposals to reverse the demographic trend which has deep roots and to imagine a new narrative of the birth rate.

G.them priority objectives they are located along two strands: Health, for the importance of an adequate health system, which protects the health of children. And the schoolbecause school education is a foundation of our country.

Birth rate: because children are no longer born

The demographic decline started from 2015 was accentuated by the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic. And the negative birth record recorded in 2019 was broken again in 2020.

Those registered in the registry by birth there were just 404,104, almost 16 thousand less than in 2019 (-3.8%). And with more the high number of deaths (746 thousand) caused by the pandemic, clearly, the negative natural dynamic that characterizes our country worsened further.

A welfare that does not support families

Moreover, the Italian welfare system it is founded on a strong intergenerational pact. Its sustainability is guaranteed by the fact that today’s GenX supports, with its contributions, the retirement benefits of those who are already retired.

Citizens who in turn will see their pensions paid thanks to the young workers of the future, and so on. With fewer births and therefore with fewer taxpayers it is easy to predict the collapse of those fundamental pillars on which our country standssuch as the school system, public health, pensions.

The number of so-called “childfree” is growing

According to the 2020 Youth Report of the Toniolo Institute, among women aged 30-34, 20% do not want children and 30% do not exclude the possibility of having them, but think that they would feel fulfilled even without.

The fact is that from 2008 to 2018 births fell by 23%, that is 136,000 fewer children in 10 years. From 2017 to 2018 there was a decrease of 4%: 18 thousand unborn children. It is an enormous fact that should make us think.

The reasons are real, though: young people do not have a sufficient and stable income to build a family. And so they postpone the age of arrival of the first child. A delay, however, which translates into a lower fertility. And if you also find it difficult to combine family life and work, it is unlikely that other births will be planned.

Birth rate: Italy invests little in childcare services

Only 26% of children between zero and two use daycare centers. The European target, which we should have reached in 2010, was 33%. France and Sweden exceeded 50%. But in order to be more accessible, the fees for kindergartens must be reduced and the hours must adapt to a greatly changed world of work. Which is not currently happening, except with rare spot measures.

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All participants

The event is organized by Birth foundation with the contribution of Forum of Family Associationsas part of the “Confido” and Sfera MediaGroup project, the childhood division of RCS MediaGroup, with the support ofOBM Association – Buzzi Children’s Hospital Milan.

For all information: General States of Birth

