Empty calories and negative calories in the weight loss diet – iO Donna

Cempty calories and negative calories. There has been a lot of talk about it in recent years and yet there still tends to be some confusion between these two expressions which, in some ways, can be misleading. So what do we mean by empty calories and negative calories? And above all, in which foods are they contained?

Knowing this can be important, not just for a question of waist size and weight control but also and above all to safeguard the Health. To clear up any doubts, we asked some questions to Dr. Chiara Boscaro, biologist and nutritionist at the San Siro Clinical Institute in Milan and the Zucchi Clinical Institutes in Monza.

Empty Calories: What are they?

«When we talk about foods with empty calories we refer to those foods that, while providing many calories to our body, are devoid of micronutrients essential as mineral salts and vitamins – explains Dr. Boscaro. – From an energy point of view, an empty calorie is the same as a traditional caloriethe difference It’s just that it’s unhealthy».

This explains why a diet based mainly on the prevalent consumption of foods that contain empty calories predisposes to overweight, obesity but also to risk of cardiometabolic diseases.

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Be careful with alcohol

«The example par excellence is the alcohol – explains the nutritionist – which contains about 7 calories per gram but, in fact, only calories, therefore usable energy, without any nutritional elements».

However, alcohol is not the only drink “under accusation” from this point of view.

«The same goes for the sugary and carbonated drinks – Dr. Boscaro specifies – and not only that. Foods with empty calories include: also packaged snacks and jellies and, in general, i foods that contain a large amount of trans fatty acids such as margarine, pretzels and chips. Also to refined flours, sugars and sweets attention should be paid.”

Empty calorie foods aren’t filling

In addition to being decidedly unhealthy, foods that contain empty calories often they do not lead to satiety: the risk, therefore, is to consume more.

“Being often lacking in fibre, foods with empty calories don’t even fill you up. If we then think about the drinks, such as alcohol and spirits but not onlythe matter becomes further complicated because by drinking without chewing you don’t feel full and you risk overdoing it.”

Better to limit them

However, this does not mean that certain types of foods should be absolutely banned. The advice is rather to try to limit them or, perhaps, where possible, replace them with healthier alternatives.

«We can allow ourselves a glass of wine, but better if not every day – suggests the nutritionist. – Sweets can also be consumed occasionally, perhaps preferring a homemade cake to packaged snacks.”

Other clever substitutions? In place of a ready-made fruit juicebetter to focus on one extract or on a homemade juice. Just as it is better to prefer white flour whole wheat. As for it sugar instead, be careful not to fall into deception. The white sugar in fact provides 4 kcal per gram, without providing other micronutrients. But the same goes for that raw and for fructose, that is, the one extracted from fruit. Sugars that are often, wrongly, considered less caloric.

Negative calories, the opposite of empty calories

At the opposite end of the spectrum from foods with empty calories are foods negative calorie foods which, despite their name, they can actually do an absolutely positive role in the daily diet.

«Negative calorie foods are foods with calories lower than the energy expenditure necessary to metabolize them – explains the nutritionist. – In other words, You consume more calories digesting them than you consume eating them. In fact, food must be chewed, digested and this process requires a certain amount of energy and therefore requires calorie consumption. It is the famous diet-induced thermogenesis which still affects calories.”

Negative calorie foods

Empty calories and negative calories

The consumption of negative calorie foods, as is easy to imagine, can therefore also prove strategic for keep your weight under control.

«These foods include, above all, the vegetables, such as cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, radishes and salad greens – explains Dr. Boscaro – by eating them you consume more calories than they contain (these vegetables contain more or less 20/30 calories per 100 grams)».

Furthermore it is about vegetables that are very filling. «80/100 grams of salad they can be very filling because it is a vegetable rich in fiber – underlines the specialist – the same is true for 200 grams of cooked vegetables or minestrone».

Also spices and cocoa

«Other foods with negative calories are the herbal teas, bitter cocoa, cocoa beans, tea, coffee and even water – continues Dr. Boscaro. – Plus the spices, such as turmeric, curry and chili pepperand the herbs which provide excellent help on an energy and metabolic level without adding calories.”

How to introduce negative calorie foods into your diet

Negative calorie foods can therefore be used tactically throughout the day. Any examples?

“The Raw vegetables are excellent allies to munch on as a healthy and satiating snack, mid-morning or mid-afternoon – suggests Dr. Boscaro. – TO lunch and dinner, however, always include a generous portion of vegetables allows you to increase the sense of satiety, thus avoiding excess carbohydrates.”

Also use spices for cooking it can be a useful tip so as to limit the use of higher calorie condiments.

«To focus on negative calories even at breakfast – concludes the specialist – instead, the following are recommended herbal teas, green tea and also vegetable extracts, perhaps also adding a fruit to obtain a sweeter flavour.”

