Empty air: a new problem for Ukraine

The airspace over Ukraine may be empty tomorrow. The largest insurance companies have warned carriers that from Monday they will suspend contracts for aircraft that operate flights over the territory of Ukraine. Earlier, the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksiy Goncharenko said that owners of leased aircraft already prohibit their aircraft from flying into the country’s airspace. So on Sunday, the liner of the Ukrainian carrier SkyUp landed in Chisinau instead of Kiev, and the Dutch company KLM suspended flights the day before.

– Therefore, we are forced to make a technical landing in Chisinau, in Moldova.

Low-cost airlines, of course, often land far from the destination city, but not so much. SkyUp passengers had to return from Madeira via Chisinau. The owner of the aircraft, which is registered in Ireland, banned Boeing from entering Ukrainian airspace. From Chisinau to Kiev, which is almost 500 km, passengers had to be transported by bus.

The fact that on Monday the sky over Ukraine may be closed, said the deputy of the Rada Goncharenko. The Office of the President said: “The European Aviation Safety Agency did not make recommendations to restrict flights.” But already now, insurance companies have informed Ukrainian air carriers – fly at your own risk. When flying over Ukraine, aircraft will not be insured. And lessors demand to return their cars to the EU. Western business did not set such harsh conditions for Ukrainian partners even in 2014. Ukrainian aviation authorities recommend not to fly over the open waters of the Black Sea from February 14 to 19, but in general they believe that the situation will improve.

“Insurance services markets, as well as capital markets, are vulnerable to the information field. We expect that the situation will stabilize in the near future. For this, the government, the Office of the President and our international partners working on joint solutions. If necessary, the state will ensure the return of all citizens of Ukraine from abroad,” said Oleksandr Kubrakov, Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

On those flights that are still available, foreigners continue to leave Ukraine. On Sunday, families of Czech diplomats left Kiev. Those who have returned home share their impressions of how reports of the so-called “invasion” are received directly on the spot.

“It’s a little strange. I didn’t worry too much. But many students panicked about how this would affect their studies, what the family would say. The opinion of the inhabitants of Ukraine was still obvious, who said that the Western media was inflating everything to extremes. But in recent For a couple of days they started saying, “OK, something can happen,” said Ali Haider, a student.

Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada from the Servant of the People faction, on the contrary, were forbidden to leave the country, said MP Dubinsky, who used to be a member of the presidential party. His words were confirmed by a colleague of Kachur, a supporter of Zelensky, although the press service of the party denies sending a message about staying in the country. One of the “servants of the people” even called a spade a spade, writing on Facebook that, in fact, Washington is behind the hysteria about the still not starting war.

Yegor Chernev, People’s Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Servant of the People party, believes: “The United States is conducting one of the largest informational special operations in history against Russia. And we must clearly understand this when we hear about an imminent invasion. The tasks of this special operation lie on the surface: 1. Mobilization of NATO countries and restoration of the unity of the Alliance and the West as a whole. 2. Demonstration of Russia in the world and creating a persistent toxic image for it. 3. Without war, as big losses as possible for the Russian economy.”

The OSCE mission in Donbass is also becoming an instrument in this information war. The countries that are members of the organization announced that a number of states, due to “deteriorating security conditions,” decided to redeploy their fellow citizens included in the Special Monitoring Mission. The Russian Foreign Ministry emphasizes that right now the work of the mission in the south-east of Ukraine is especially important.

Maria Zakharovaan official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said: “The Mission is being deliberately dragged into the militaristic psychosis fomented by Washington and is being used as a tool for a possible provocation. We call on the OSCE leadership to resolutely stop attempts to manipulate the Mission and prevent the Organization from being drawn into the unscrupulous political games being played around it. We proceed from the fact that that, in conditions of artificially escalated tension, the monitoring activities of the Mission, in full accordance with its mandate, are needed more than ever.”

And Washington is still postponing the date of the so-called Russian invasion. In recent days, at first it was confidently spoken about February 15, then about the 16th. Now the Pentagon cannot confirm that everything will start on Wednesday. Biden’s national security adviser also has doubts. The day before, the topic was discussed by the leaders of the two countries. As noted by the assistant Vladimir Putin Yuri Ushakov, hysteria has reached its climax.

“The facts are that the Americans are artificially inflating hysteria around the so-called planned Russian invasion, even naming the dates of this “invasion”, and in parallel, together with the allies, they are pumping up the “military muscles” of Ukraine. Significant financial resources are allocated for the modernization of the Ukrainian army, the number of army instructors sent is increasing That is, to the accompaniment of allegations of an “invasion”, prerequisites are being created for possible provocative actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” Yuriy Ushakov said.

In a conversation with Joe Biden, the Russian leader again recalled that Kiev flatly refuses to comply with the Minsk agreements, and the West does not influence it in any way in this matter. Interestingly, this conversation was supposed to take place on Monday. But for some reason Washington decided not to wait and requested a call for Saturday.

All major news and videos are available on the media platform “Looking”.


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