Empress Sissi in the documentary: the true nature revealed in the writings

The Historia documentary describes Sissi as self-sufficient and obsessive.

Romy Schneider played Sissi in a film trilogy in the 1950s and made the empress an iconic, if false, figure. ullstein bild, All Over Press

Empress of Austria Elizabeth (1837–1898) is better known As a guerrilla, which became especially popular thanks to a series of films made in the 1950s. However, it gives a sugary, downright distorted picture of its subject, like the Historia documentary Heirs of Guerrilla point. A real Sissy wouldn’t have been a main character in romantic movies, which by Romy Schneider starred.

The real Sissi was anything but a fairy tale princess. He was downright obsessive about caring for his appearance and also paid special attention to the external aids of others, for example his own children and these children. He collected photographs of people he found beautiful. Gisela-daughter was not found in that place, and neither were her children.

– Gisela’s child is exceptionally ugly. It looks just like Gisela, Sissi wrote about her child and grandchild.

The Historia documentary also tells about Sissi’s sad end. He was stabbed to death in Geneva. Over

In one poem, Sissi, on the other hand, describes her daughter as a skinny sow and her children as piglets.

Described as self-sufficient, Sissi was not a very strange grandmother to her other grandchildren either.

– Every new life is a shame, he wrote according to the documentary, when his bump of Marie Valerie the firstborn announced his result.

Guerrillas were not interested in close relationships with relatives. Emperor Frans Josef cherished them more. Over

According to the documentary, there were other conflicts between Marie Valerie and Sissi. Sissi arranged for her husband to be an emperor For Frans Josef companion, because he didn’t want the role for himself. The choice of Guerrilla hit the actress to Katharina Schratt. The daughter could not understand the arrangement, but deeply resented it as a devout Catholic.

Heirs of the Guerrillas today on TV1 at 19:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
