Employment breaks a new record in April and exceeds 20.6 million employed

After the doubts at the beginning of the year, the employment He is currently experiencing a sweet moment. After the record broken in March, with 206,000 new jobs created, April has surpassed these records and leaves a positive balance of 238,436 workers active plus, up to a total of 20.6 million employed. Never before in a month of April, not even in the ‘boom’ prior to the brick crisisso much employment had not been created nor had there been so many members of the Social Security at the same time.

Despite the war in Ukrainealready normalized with regard to supply chains, and the ups and downs of a inflation that refuses to remit, the working market Not only does it hold, but it is growing, as reflected in the data updated this Thursday by the Ministries of Labor and Social Security.

Companies are hiring staff at unprecedented rates, although this has so far not made a dent in the high rates of unemployment that continue to characterize Spain. In April the number of unemployed fell by 73,890 people, to a total of 2.7 million unemployed. It is the lowest figure since 2008, but it is still the highest in the entire European Union. At the gender level, unemployment among men (-10.2%) is falling at an interannual rate almost twice as intense as among women (-6.1%).

And it is that unemployment, especially long-term, persists as a pending issue, once scourges such as excessive temporary employment are being tamed with the latest labour reform. Although unlike the previous crisis, the coverage rates of Sepe public benefits are currently higher. 64% of the unemployed receive a benefit or subsidy and the average period for recognition of a new benefit is currently 1.6 days, according to official sources.

The hotel industry pulls the cart

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In this month of April the engine of employment has been the hostelry, between the reinforcements for the Easter holidays and those that point to the summer ones. The sector has left behind the ghosts of the covid crisis -as shown by the seasonally adjusted data- and is looking forward to the summer campaign, which, as the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce pointed out this week in its current situation report, will be a record for both consumption national as international.

And it is that the Spanish labor market is expanding through all those sectors that suffered the most from the sanitary restrictions. According to seasonally adjusted figures, hotels, shows, gambling and air Transport They are the branches of activity that -percentage- are hiring the most.
