Employment agencies: The Netherlands can really use Ukrainians | 1Limburg

Dutch employment agencies can make good use of refugees from Ukraine who end up in the Netherlands to make up for part of the shortage on the labor market.

That is what the Venrayse OTTO Work Force says after a call round by the ANP. In sectors such as logistics and technical professionals, there has been a shortage of employees for some time.

Dutch labor market
OTTO CEO Frank van Gool says that Ukrainian refugees can “in time” supplement part of the Dutch labor market. This concerns work in construction, logistics and agriculture and horticulture. “They’re smart and well-trained so we can put them to good use,” he says. “Dozens” of customers are also calling who would like to help the refugees find work, “because they want to do something”, says Van Gool.

Work permit
At the moment, OTTO does not have any Ukrainian refugees working here. However, the company arranges shelter for family in that country for the approximately 3000 Ukrainians who work for OTTO in Poland if necessary. Van Gool indicates that the current flow of refugees mainly consists of women and the elderly. Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 are banned from leaving the country because of the war. He also explains that European legislation for work permits especially for Ukrainian refugees is still being drafted.

Doors wide open
Employment agency SprintWerkt, active in the logistics, food sector, production and greenhouse horticulture, among other things, says it is opening its doors “wide” to Ukrainians who want to work, owner Kumar Spaans said. At the moment, the employment agency is not yet arranging work for refugees who have fled as a result of the Russian invasion, because it is not yet clear whether they are allowed to work. As soon as that is possible, he immediately arranges housing for them.

Own initiative
The Ukrainians that NL Jobs has now helped find work “are people who have already come to the Netherlands on their own initiative,” says marketing and communications manager Brian Lexmond. He cannot say exactly how many people that is. As soon as the war “gets into calmer waters”, the company, which already recruited personnel in Ukraine, wants to “actively campaign” there to bring people to the Netherlands. Of the more than 2300 people who work through NL Jobs, 62 now come from Ukraine.

No certificate
Spanish from SprintWerkt is also concerned about how uncertified employment agencies will deal with refugees in the future. “These people may not know their rights yet. I hope that a lot of attention is paid, especially in the meat sector.” In recent years there have been many abuses with labor migrants, according to Spaans.
