Employers lend a helping hand to staff: ‘Something has to be done’ | Economy

One in three employers provides extra support to their employees. This often involves an additional premium. This is evident from a poll by employers’ association AWVN among its members.

Employers estimate that a quarter of the workforce has financial problems due to the high inflation. Employees also ask more often for a pay rise or payment of vacation days. In addition, some employers are seeing an increase in wage garnishments.

“We are surprised that so many employers want to help their staff,” says Eefje Brul of AWVN. “Employers are clearly concerned about the financial health of their staff.”

Companies struggle with the question of how they can best help their staff. ,,It is difficult to find out which of the staff is in financial trouble”, says Brul. “They want to support lower incomes. But the government is already doing a lot for this group. Employers also look at the middle incomes.

Many bosses choose to pay everyone an equal extra payment. Four out of ten companies that do something choose to do so. In half of the cases it concerns 500 euros or more. In four out of ten cases, the bonus is 200 euros or less. “The space to do something also differs per company.”

The unions are happy with the extra steps that the employers are taking. Last Friday, the trade union FNV reported that at some nursing homes up to 20 percent of the staff are facing wage garnishment. “Something has to be done and it is good that employers are aware of this,” says vice president Zakaria Boufangacha. “The most important thing is a substantial structural wage increase. Employers must and can do more, the money is there.”

The CNV trade union agrees. “Extras such as bonuses are nice, but the solution really lies in higher salaries,” said chairman Piet Fortuin. But employers are hesitant about that.

Eefje Brul of the AWVN feels that employers ‘really go to great lengths’ to help their staff. A problem is that the tax authorities take a large part of the bonus. AWVN therefore advocates that the tax on these additional benefits be reduced. Then employees will have more net left over.
