Empathy and Personal Transformation: Discovering New Roles through the Role Triangle – Coaching Tool – PNT

From the moment we are born we interact in systems, occupying positions or roles that tend to be repeated, and become more common to us.

From the simple point of knowing how to sing or play an instrument, we are invited to do so at every family gathering or school event. That sometimes becomes a role where we are the one who brings joy or generates a good time in others and could tend to limit our ability to set limits or simply not be “always happy”, taking only as a possible example, we repeat that behavior because it could be the way that we learned to feel loved and cared for.

I invite you to think about what role you most frequently occupied as a child., the one who defended his friends and knew how to set limits? the one who tended to be protected and learned that from that place you receive love more easily? or who is always giving, always extremely generous and comes to the rescue of those who need it?

From the Consultant LED Lab® We always seek to go towards the depth of our self-knowledge and we nourish ourselves with Theories that broaden our vision and expand it.

On this occasion we want to share with you a Coaching Tool what we call ROLE TRIANGLEwe have relied on the foundations of the theory of Transactional Analysis, developed by Eric Berne, and Karpman’s psychological-social model exposed in his Drama Triangle.

We take from the Drama Triangle the three common roles in interpersonal dynamics when we are acting from the conflict or acting it out: the savior, the victim and the persecutor.

The question is: Which of these roles do you identify with the most? And, more importantly,What benefits do you find by staying in that role? These roles, perhaps comfortable, can limit authenticity and empathy in our interactions.

The invitation is to identify our character SAVIOR – PERSECUTOR – VICTIM and move towards roles that inhabit the ASSERTIVENESS-VULNERABILITY-EMPATHY we like to think of it as your initials birdthat being able to operate from another perspective, distance yourself from the conflict and turn each situation into a learning possibility

We invite you to learn about our tools LED® Disruptive Empathic Leadership, they are powerful dynamics. There is so much of the ROLE TRIANGLE that we have just presented to you, as well as all the ones we create to build more authentic and enriching relationships.

We are waiting for you for the most important journey of your life, which is to conquer your interior!! Get to know us more on Linkedin Alejandra Alvarez and on Instagram (@alealvarezcoaching).

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