Emotions, diet and DNA: the 5 “secrets” of dog longevity

Land the age of the dog are not easy to determine: certainly they are accelerated compared to ours, but multiplication by seven of popular vulgate is not enough to calculate them.

Dog ages: how are they calculated?

According to a study published on rview Veterinary Scienceconducted by scientists from the University of Nottingham, dogs end puberty at about one year of life, our 15 years. TO two years reach full maturity, exactly like humans at about 25. From seven onwards dogs can be considered seniors, e from 12 years of age they reach geriatric ageand the ailments, a whitened face and arthrosis arrive.

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How important is race, DNA …

However, experts warn that aging depends on race and various behavioral and cognitive factors. For example St. Bernard and Newfoundland, large dogs, live less than Jack Russell, Pinscher and Pugs which can reach up to 15 years.

In this regard, there are several assets projects to map canine DNA, also interesting for the similarities it has with our genetic makeup. It has already been seen, for example, that particular mutations of the Igf1 gene (the growth hormone of insulin type 1) are central in determining the size of the hairy ones: so the chihuahua has a particular version of the gene, the great dane another. The first also lives 18 years, the second leaves us, alone and disconsolate with the leash in hand, around eight to nine.

But the canine longevity sector is all in the making: a gigantic study has started in the US, Dog Aging Project just with the purpose of to study how to make dogs more long-lived, (also) to then use discoveries, drugs and therapies on humans.

… And lifestyles

But if, as they say, it takes a luxury DNA to become centenarians, we can be content with reaching 90 (and getting them as far as possible) with lifestyle: the more they are loved, the longer and better they live.

Here then is the advice of Costanza Delsante, veterinarian and consultant amusi (company that produces high quality pet food).

1. Keep your weight under control

Expressing affection through food is normal: we do it when we invite friends to dinner and when we feed our furry friend. But, at least in the second case, a healthy food expresses more affection than a greedy one. In fact, not only bipeds suffer from overweight and obesity, but also four legs. To prevent your dog from gaining too much weight, it is best to feed him with a consistent schedule, keeping track of the amount of what he eats.

The dog he is always hungry? It could be a problem of quantity but also of quality. Particularly worth studying the protein content and digestibility. And reduce snacks (specific for dogs), using them only as a means (occasional) to gratify him.

dachshund dog running on the lawn

(press office photo)

Remember that the ingredients (as in the case of those on food for humans) are indicated in order of quantity. If the first element is the protein source, whether it is meat or fish, it means that it is present in greater quantities than vegetables, fruit, cereals.

Choose a food whose first ingredient is a high-quality raw material on the label quality is paramount. The dog’s diet must contain at least 20% protein, a moderate amount of carbohydratesan immediately usable energy source and a percentage of fats, vitamins and mineral salts.

3. A diet for every stage of life

A cub to grow strong and healthy it requires a lot of energy, while one little dog who is breastfeeding he will have to eat more frequent meals and increase the amount of food. Also an senior dog he has specific needs because his metabolism slows down, digestion becomes more strenuous and he could face health problems related to aging.

To establish the age of a dog contribute to the tonnage (large dogs age earlier), the lifestyle and nutrition: in general, the dog begins its aging phase between 6 and 10 years: it becomes more slow, less responsive and certainly more lazy. Her nutritional needs change, as do her habits.

4. Time (and a lot of affection), the dog thanks

dog stroking

(Amusi press office)

The long life of the animal also passes from an active brain and a healthy body. And a dog needs to go out and be mentally stimulated to live healthy. If it is obvious that daily physical activity is an element in contrasting being overweight, the awareness of people is less intuitive risks of loneliness: on the one hand, play and the relationship with the owner in general are important for all dogs.

On the other hand for some breeds, selected to work with men, such as Border Collie and German Shepherd, mental stimulation is a real need to be satisfied. Affection, then, represents a real injection of well-being; on the other hand, laziness and loneliness have negative consequences that should be avoided.

5. The veterinarian, an ally

To control the growth of the dog and to agree on parasitic prophylaxis, times and methods for vaccinations and to check for any health problems it is advisable at least one veterinary visit per year. It is clear that i elderly dogs, on the onset of pain and difficulty in moving, they will need to see the specialist more frequently, once every six months. The little dogs, after the first heat, should instead be sterilized: this helps to prevent some pathologies of the reproductive system.

