Emotional first day of school Dr. Nassau College after fatal accident Ekehaar: ‘Good to think about’

It was an emotional first day of school for students and teachers at Dr. Nassau College Quintus in Assen. In all classes, attention was paid to last week’s fatal accident in Ekehaar, in which a student of the school died. “It is nice to see the enormous involvement. It was good to reflect on this,” says director Ralf Buiter.

Four other minors were injured in the accident, three injured are also at the school. Two of them have since returned to school. “They were able to share their grief with their fellow classmates,” Buiter explains. The director saw a variety of responses. “In some classes it was very sad and emotional. The impact is of course different, because first graders, for example, did not know the students. They were also able to do their introductory activities later in the day.”

The old class of the deceased girl had already been to school yesterday, extra care had been arranged for them. “In the coming period there will also be care for students who need it,” says Buiter.

Tomorrow afternoon from 12 o’clock the school will close because of the funeral of the student. All classes and activities are then cancelled. Buiter: “We want to give everyone the opportunity to be present.”
