Emotional day of honor for Michael Schumacher

Wherever you looked: memories of Michael Schumacher. The Formula 1 legend. The global brand. The location of the award was worthy of the icon and its achievements. At Motorworld in Cologne, not far from his home town of Kerpen, the seven-time F1 champion received the NRW State Prize, which his family accepted on behalf of him. The speech by close family friend and former Ferrari team boss Jean Todt moved Corinna Schumacher to tears. In the RTL/ntv interview, Todt explains the special relationship with the Schumacher family.

There wasn’t one point that made Wednesday’s award ceremony a goosebumps afternoon. It was the overall composition, the actors, the words, and a little bit the music too.

First, there was the environment. Motorworld houses a permanent exhibition of Schumacher’s private collection. Old Ferrari racers from Schumacher framed the event. The legendary red car in which he won the title five times in a row and rose to become record champion and world star. A large picture of Schumacher on a screen (with helmet and open visor) looked over the hall.

Then the appearance of his faithful companion and close friend Jean Todt. In a moving speech he put Schumis sporting and social achievements in a nutshell. For example, the former FIA boss told how the family donated and continues to donate to victims of disasters. The special thing: he gave the speech in German. For the first time ever at such an event. He wanted to do that for Schumi, he said on the RTL microphone.

First a standing ovation, then “My Way”

After Todt’s speech, the standing ovations followed. The first guests rose, and everyone stood quickly. Applause for Schumacher. Corinna Schumacher burst into tears with emotion. Next to her daughter Gina and Jean Todt. Mick Schumacher was unable to travel to Cologne due to gastrointestinal problems.

The ceremony ended to the string quartet sounds of the Frank Sinatra classic “My Way”. A world-famous song that evokes many emotions and is a kind of conclusion. At that moment, Todt was completely with himself and in the thought tunnel, as he reveals in the interview.

“To be honest, I didn’t really pay much attention to the song,” said the 76-year-old. “I tended to get involved with all the emotions. Michael not only made history for motorsport, but also with what he did for Germany and society.”

“Emotional” and “special” day

The day was emotional and special, Todt continued. “You’ve prepared your eulogy and when the moment comes, it still overcomes me. When you love people, sometimes you just can’t pull yourself together – that’s the beauty of human nature.”

There is no doubt that the relationship between Todt and the Schumacher family is close. “You can’t explain love and friendship – it’s natural. You just have people around you who are very special to you and Michael is special,” explains Todt.

Corinna, Mick and Gina have also become for him over the years. “They became family not for me, but also for my wife,” he says and tells an anecdote: “About 20 years ago I got a bronze statue from the Schumachers. Our names were on it: Corinna, Michael, Gina, Mick , Jean and Nicolas. And eventually we added Michelle’s name to it — that’s family.”

Todt raves about Corinna and the family

In his laudatory speech, Todt said: “Of course we would like him to have been able to accept his award personally. We miss him very much.”

But he doesn’t miss him, he says in the RTL/ntv interview, because “I see him regularly. But it’s clear that we can’t do the same things as before. What I miss are the crazy things we do always got together.”

Again and again he spends time with his “family”. He regularly watches Formula 1 races alongside Schumacher, as he confirms in an interview. See the successes of son Mick with him.

It’s not the same as it used to be, but the relationship seems stronger than ever. Todt is particularly impressed by the support of his family. “Michael has a wonderful family. Despite the fame and money, they have never changed and Michael and Corinna have successfully passed that on to their children.”
