Emotional day: father, mother and girlfriend Carlo Heuvelman address Mallorca suspects

A tense day for the relatives of Carlo Heuvelman: this morning they come face to face with the group of Gooise young people suspected of the serious violence in Mallorca two years ago. Carlo, then 27, died as a result of one of the fights. Carlo’s parents and girlfriend will address the suspects in court today.

Photo: NH News

It is not yet clear what exactly the parents and girlfriend will say, but it is expected that their speeches will be very emotional. The appeal against the suspects in the death of their son undoubtedly brings back much of what they had to experience more than two years ago.

It is not the first time that Carlo’s father, mother and girlfriend have seen the suspects. They also addressed the suspects a year ago.

Urgent appeal to suspects

Carlo’s father and mother in particular then spoke sternly to the suspects. “What did Carlo do to you that evening?” said Carlo’s mother. Carlo’s father once again made an urgent appeal to all suspects. “But also emphatically on their parents, to break the silence. Sooner or later, a decent person will undoubtedly encounter difficulties of conscience: anticipate this and speak out!”

“My reality is eating alone, shopping alone, coming home alone, going to bed alone: ​​all alone, without my love”

Carlo’s girlfriend Lisa

It was striking that main suspect Sanil B. responded to the parents, while the rest of the group of Hilversummers remained silently looking ahead. “I think it’s horrible what happened to you, to your lives and to Carlo. I can’t express how much compassion I have. I wish I could give you the answers you crave, but I don’t have them. can only say that as it stands now, it is not correct. I sincerely hope that the real perpetrator will have a crisis of conscience and that you will get those answers,” said the young Hilversummer.

Carlo’s friend Lisa talked about what her life has been like since the loss of Carlo. “My reality is eating alone, shopping alone, coming home alone, going to bed alone: ​​all alone, without my love,” she said.

Other victims

In addition to Carlo’s parents and girlfriend, a statement from Carlo’s group of friends will most likely also be read out. This is done by one of the lawyers.

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