Emmi Suuronen, who divorced Akseli Herlev, aims to become the Diili winner

Emmi Suuronen, known from the Miss Suomi competition, is facing a new stage in her life.

Emmi Suuronen, 28, decided to jump on the bandwagon last year. The construction master’s job was left when the young woman wanted to become an entrepreneur. Now he will be seen in the new season of Diil. Suuronen aspires to become the operational director of Jaajo Linnonmaa’s business empire.

– When the application for the program opened at the beginning of summer, I thought, why not. This is a good reason to try and put effort into a new career, Suuronen tells Iltalehte.

Emmi Suuronen previously worked as a construction foreman. Now he dreams of a career as an entrepreneur. Elle Laitila

This year, 16 competitors have been selected for Diili, many of whom already have experience in the business world. Suuronen did not hesitate to start the program.

– When applying for an operational manager, it is practically the same as managing a construction site as a foreman in the construction industry. Even if it is management, the same management remains, no matter what the element is. For that, I dared to throw myself into a hard fight, Suuronen shakes.

Suuronen, who arrived at Diil’s press conference, was dressed in a white suit. Elle Laitila

According to the entrepreneur, the filming was challenging, as there was not much time to complete the tasks. At the same time, I had to learn to work with new teammates.

– Yes, it allowed me to strengthen my own worlds of values ​​quite a lot, what is most important to me and how I act.

The difference from the Burgerman

Suuronen previously dated top chef Akseli Herlev. In October 2021, the couple gave a joint interview to Iltalehti.

– Of the two of us, Aksu was the one who would have liked to shout to the world that he was in love. I, on the other hand, was: “Help, no”. I didn’t want to be “Burger Man’s miss”, but the miss who dates Aksel, Suuronen stated at the time.

The two shared the sad news in February of this year when they announced that they had split. The shared home in Tuusula was left behind when Suuronen moved to his own.

– I would like to say thank you to everyone for the messages and understanding regarding the separation. I am grateful that it was possible to announce the matter without much speculation and to first deal with the matter itself in peace, Suuronen wrote on Instagram a couple of days after the news of the separation.

At Diil’s press conference, Suuronen commented sparingly on the separation.

– We have a good relationship, but I will not comment further.

Akseli Herlevi and Emmi Suuronen ended their relationship in February. Jenni Gästgivar / Iltalehti

Suuronen was crowned the first hereditary princess in 2021. In Diil’s descriptions, the “missile mark” was not a problem.

– Of course, I don’t know what the other competitors have said to the cameras. I didn’t suffer from missile damage. I got a little comment that the miss is fresh again after a bad night’s sleep, Suuronen laughs.

Diili’s new season starts on March 6 at Nelose. See program information on Telku.
