“Emmer naaien” and “vluchteling rules”: Amsterdamse Studentenvereniging shorn na “mensonterende” opdrachten | Buitenland

By the doop van de Amsterdamse student union Lanx raised “serious mistakes” in November Plaatsgevonden by de Mannenafdeling. A “vluchteling rules” and seks hebben met a vrouw in a steeg were two van de opdrachten that the new shafts would most likely uitvoeren.

In a letter to the Oud-Leden on the hun website, the Lanx student union writes that it states that the doop of the new leden last year in November “serious misstatements” were made. De nieuwe leden most points earn because het uitvoeren van verschillende “Mensonterende” opdrachten in Roemenië: de “een emmer (een vrouw, red.) naaien in een steeg”, “een vluchteling rules” and spullen steles. As bewijs dat ze de Opdrachten hadden uitgevoerd, ze were obligated elke dag beeldmateriaal aan te leveren.

Tijdens de rice would like to have no contact with the building. De vijf leden met de minste points op het einde van de Reis konden sancties guarded.

Op een na biggest student association

The student union with around 1,100 members is the largest student union in Amsterdam. The union consists of disappearing clubs, of drawn names of ‘disputes’, for men and women. The club, which started the mistery, has been shorn before it has been accepted.

After that, the club het bestuur hebben vororgelogen. So there is nothing to be said about the opdrachten that the shafts tijdens de Reis most uitvoeren. Before the students on the trip travel, the drawing board must have been informed that the order has been made by the order. Het Presidium will decide on other options to be given in het draaiboek. “Deze opdrachten hadden we nooit goedgekeurd”, said Tom Brink.

Strijd tegen grensoverschrijdend gedrag

Grandchildren have been registered since the Dutch student club has been scheduled for a campaign in which a large number of changes have been made.

What the (financiële) was due to when it came up wrong is not yet known. A word from the university is linked to the student union, so it is said that “the strictest afkeurt” is given. The university during this week discuss the rules of procedure and be aware of the association’s other financial obligations during the war.

‘Zaadje’, de praeses van Reuzegom, writes doctoraat aan UGent: “Hij heeft ons zélf over zijn verleden verteld” (+)

Rectoraat van UGent beklad na anstelling Reuzegommer: “Een ‘gewone’ criminal vindt moeilijk werk, maar ‘Zaadje’ kan wel doctoreren” (+)
