Emmen wants to organize its own liberation festival: ‘Suits us’

The municipality of Emmen wants its own liberation festival. In what form is not yet known, but the ambition to get such a festival off the ground is there. The first edition should take place next year.

The municipality has already included the festival in its budget for 2023. “Emmen is the largest municipality in Drenthe. A free, accessible liberation festival suits our multicultural municipality with more than 100,000 inhabitants”, the municipality said.

The festival would contribute to the atmosphere, experience, connection and solidarity within the municipality, but there is one caveat: “The existing resources in the event fund determine whether the form and financing are feasible and sufficient.” And so the municipality is still investigating what form the new festival should take. Based on the evaluation, it is decided whether the festival will become an annual event.

Until now, small-scale festivals have been organized on the city floor of Emmen in previous years. The organization was then in the hands of local catering.
