Emmen is installing 150 extra underground PMD containers

In the coming months, the municipality of Emmen will place 150 extra underground PMD containers at flats, apartments and other high-rise buildings. The rollout of the first sixty will start today. The rest will follow in phases up to and including the autumn.

At the moment, some residents have to keep their PMD bags and put them on the street once in a while. With the underground containers, this will no longer be necessary. Residents can immediately dispose of a full PMD bag.

The first underground PMD containers will be placed near the streets where Area has to drive more often and where there are also more bags on the street. These can be opened with an environmental pass. As soon as the container becomes full, Area automatically receives a signal and comes to empty it.

“Our residents spend less time with their PMD bags and Area can plan the journeys of their garbage trucks much more efficiently. A great win-win situation,” says alderman René van der Weide.
