Emmen has running routes with posts: ‘So you know where you are going’

The municipality of Emmen has eight running routes richer since this morning. The routes are indicated along the road with signposts. Getting lost or cutting off is therefore a thing of the past.

Something for everyone: the routes have different distances. Two circuits, of 8 and 10 kilometers, start at Parc Sandur.

Vincent Zwemmer from running club De Sperwers is already eager to get there. He starts talking about the advantages of the routes with posts. “If you don’t have much to do, but you want to run the 4 Miles of Emmen, then here you have an 8 kilometer circuit around the Grote Rietplas. If you can manage that, you can also run the 4 Miles.”

The signposts instruct runners on both the straight meters and in the curves. “So you know where you are going,” Zwemmer explains. He invites people to put on their sneakers and get moving. “I say: get moving. You can run, but also walk. Get off the couch and move.”

His infectious enthusiasm seems to have been well received by many. The popularity of running is apparently growing, although Zwemmer is concerned with any form of exercise. “That could be running, but also cycling.”

And swimming? He cannot escape that question with his surname. “I do have some swimming diplomas and can often be found here in the open-air pool,” Zwemmer lives up to his family name.

The running routes will be officially opened this morning at 10 a.m., followed by a joint run from Parc Sandur. “Walk with us, for free,” Zwemmer urges. “Get moving and make sure you’re there.”
