Emmen allows small windmills for farmers and horticulturists

Farmers and horticulturists are expected to be able to install small wind turbines in their yards from this autumn. These are wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 21 metres.

At the request of the city council, the municipality set to work on drawing up rules that make the arrival of so-called erfmolens possible. “One of the most important rules is that an erfmill must always be in addition to solar panels on the roof,” the municipality writes. “In this way, sustainable energy can be generated all year round.”

Companies may install a maximum of two windmills, at least 100 meters from local residents. A mill may not be placed everywhere. “Excluded are, among other things, protected village views, highly valued ash trees and routes for gas pipelines.”

Responses to the policy drawn up can be made in the coming weeks. City council approval is expected in September.
