Emma Marrone actress: star of the film The return to the Rome Festival

Andmma Brown once again tries his hand at acting. After the tests with Gabriele Muccino in the movie The best years and in the series At home everyone is finethe singer is the absolute protagonist in the touching The return by Stefano Chiantini, previewed ad Alice in the Cityparallel section of the Rome Film Festival. Emma she holds the whole film on her shoulders, playing the role of one mother who after ten years in prison tries to mend the relationship with her son and husband. A trip in the silences and in the torn life of a woman looking for a second chance, which she struggles to find.

The return: the plot

Teresa (Emma Marrone) is a young woman woman and mom who lives with her partner Peter and with Antonio, the son of about one year. He is not doing very well between a criminal record and economic difficulties. One day she is at home Peter with a usurer who threatens him: to defend his son Teresa he makes an extreme gesture, kills the man. It will cost you ten years in prison.

The return home and a normal life is not taken for granted, both for her and for family members. Teresa finds herself in a hostile domestic environment: Pietro is not as welcoming as in the past, in fact he has an affair with another woman, while her son, now grown up, does not even speak to her. Teresa starts working in the fields and to follow a path that should fill the void created by that forced detachment. The void, on the other hand, is amplified. The contrasts and difficulties that the time spent brings with it prevails over love: the years have changed many things. Pietro and Antonio have found their balance and they don’t seem willing to question it.

Emma Marrone. (Press office)

Emma’s Descent into Hell

«When I read the script I was struck – declares the interpreter and singer – I understood that it would be a physically and humanly complicated film. I tested myself by going down to hell, in the pain, apathy and silences of this woman. Teresa is forbidden to have a second chance as happens to many women and men who succumb to this not very inclusive society.

Before attending the last Sanremo and to shoot the film Emma had long blond hair. «I had them cut for the role – he says – a Sanremo I had to bring a song not my image: we must stop thinking that the image should be above art, when you decide to make a film or to write a song you have to get involved one hundred percent ». In addition to cutting her hair Emma walked like Teresa for six weeksate and dressed like her.

Emma Marrone. (Press office)

Actress or singer? “I’m free to be what I want”

Emma likes the world of acting. Going from music to cinema considers it natural for a performer who loves art and who acts on instinct. “I am a person free from all prejudices and preconceptions – underlines – and since I freed myself from my negative judgment I am free to be what I want, also because I believe that he has a good dose of talent at the base, which I try to cultivate every day. I am here and I make myself available, even putting my image into play.

Emma: “I feel like an apartment building where multiple personalities coexist”

For Emma passing from one art form to another is inherent in its essence: «They are two women in one, indeed, I feel like an apartment building full of women arguingsmoke, discuss and find a meeting point. I feel the need to do different things because many people live together inside me – he explains – art is an outlet that brings my multiple personalities into agreement, I dig to find answers to the questions I ask myself, not finding them I look for them outside of myself ».

