Emma Kimiläinen’s rib is broken – This is how the TTK broadcast happens

Emma Kimiläinen’s rib broke during TTK exercises.

Sportsman Emma Kimiläinen a rib broke Dancing with the stars – in the exercise. Kimiläinen tells Iltalehti that he is in good health.

– I broke my rib on Tuesday during training. There must have already been a fracture there before that, because on Saturday there was an injury to it when we were doing lifts, Kimiläinen describes to Iltalehti.

Kimiläinen’s side had been sore all weekend and for this reason he had booked a doctor’s appointment. However, the situation escalated to the point that in Tuesday’s practice, both Kimiläinen and his teacher Matti Puro they heard quite a bang from the side.

– I have such a good knowledge of my own body that I immediately felt what was happening. Matti said to me: “Someone clicked into place or out of place”. I answered him that yes it was the latter.

Emma Kimiläinen will dance on the TTK broadcast this coming Sunday despite a side injury. Atte Kajova

As a professional athlete, Kimiläinen is used to injuries and has a high pain threshold. At the doctor, his side was ultrasounded and the doctor gave the medicine needed for the broken rib.

– The side was taped and I also visited an orthopedist. There is no risk of any complications even if I dance. There’s nothing you can do about rib injuries, and right now it’s coming back.

Kimiläinen says that on Wednesday the side had snapped back into place by itself. He also recognizes that exercise is the best medicine for his injuries, so training has continued as usual.

That’s what happens when you dance

Since the doctor gave permission, Kimiläinen will be seen next Sunday on the TTK parquet. Participating in Sunday’s episode is particularly important to Kimiläinen, as it is the Pink Ribbon episode.

– Sunday is an important day and an important topic, children’s cancers. The fact that I have flank pain is nothing compared to what long-term patients or their loved ones go through.

– If I can do good with my presence or our dance, bring joy and respect to an important cause, that’s the least I can do, Kimiläinen sums up.

Kimiläinen’s side injury is by no means the first that has been seen this season. Sointu Borg and Pernilla Böckerman broke their ribs earlier this season.

Kimiläinen’s rib was the first to report MTV News.

Emma Kimiläinen dances with Matti Puro. Atte Kajova
