Emma Heesters may be one big media lie: ‘This is not correct’

The relatively well-known singer Emma Heesters produces more juice than hits for the time being. Is she really just one big media lie? Yvonne Coldeweijer thinks so. “This is not right.”

© Instagram, RTL

The love affairs between singer Emma Heesters and football player Wesley Hoedt have been keeping the minds busy for quite some time. The bottom line is that the guy was lying on another chick more often than cleaning out the dishwasher and that is of course not the intention. After some outside pressure, Emma decided to dump him last March. Or not?

Emma Lopez

The juice channels have been providing photos and videos for quite some time now that would prove that Emma and Wesley are still together. For example, they place photos from the same destination next to each other. It is a bit crazy, because she publicly pretends to have put him in the trash.

Emma is now also getting the headlines with an interview she is on Thank you has given. In it she says she is ‘happy single’. “I sometimes think: why is that so important at all? But I also understand that people want to know, because I used to enjoy reading who Jennifer Lopez was dating, for example.”


What a self-overestimation that comparison is, says sapsmijter Yvonne Coldeweijer. “You’re not Jennifer Lopez babe. It’s more that we talk about it because you lie about it and you’re not single at all,” she says on her juice channel.

According to Yvonne, Emma is just one big media lie. “Emma Heesters and Wesley Hoedt bought an apartment together in June just over 1.1 million. With your own money. Are together as 50:50 owner in the land registry. While they have supposedly been separated for half a year. Don’t tell me you’re single. 😂”
