Emma Heesters gives Guido den Aantractor a hefty slap on the fingers

Guido den Aantractor received a slap on the wrist at the Shownieuws desk because he was condescending about Emma Heesters’ career. “Get your research back!”

© SBS 6

Emma Heesters has a successful musical career, but is more in the news because of her controversial relationship with Wesley Hoedt. The two officially broke up after a long period of rumors about his promiscuous behavior, but now they are spotted together again by juice channel spies.

Together to New York

Now that she has some song to promote, Emma is back in front of every camera, but she is also asked about those rumors in front of every camera. Story boss Guido den Aantractor Show news: “It went out and guess what? Suddenly he was spotted at a performance by her. (…) They would also have been together in New York.”

That is suspicious, says Guido. “So we sawed her through about that as well.”

Emma denies everything

Emma denies everything. “It’s really funny how people come up with that, because I haven’t seen it myself, so… No.”

The reporter: “Didn’t you see him? He was really there, with that orange or red…”

Emma: “No, that wasn’t Wesley. No. (…) My love affair with Wesley is just over and I am processing that in my own way. I just discuss private things in private and I don’t want to announce that in the media or anything.”

Do they see each other? “Naturally. It’s always good to break up on good terms. I don’t feel like drama at all.”

Young girls

Guido thinks that 27-year-old Emma should not have so many notes on her singing for a ‘young girl’. “It’s wonderful those young girls who then say: ‘I don’t want to talk about this any further!’ Then I think: let’s make a nice career first and then we’ll see further.”

Presenter Airen Mylene is shocked: “Well!”

Photographer William Rutten: “Well, she has quite a career, you know.”

Anouk Smulders also protests: “Well ehhh….”

Guido: “That will take a bit longer.”


Airen gives Guido a good slap on the fingers. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Guido! Whoa, whoa, whoa. I thought you were doing a good job with research, but you can get back to your research.”

Guido: “You are so strict tonight.”

What does Yvonne think?

Finally: what does Yvonne Coldeweijer think of Emma’s denial? “Uhm ok so you went to New York together as friends?” This behavior is so recognizable for many girls! Girlfriends who can’t break free from their ex and make excuses about it, but secretly still meet with him. We’ve seen it all. 😂”

“But eventually; the only person you are not honest with is yourself. 🙏”
