Emilia Retamal, businesswoman and all-terrain mother

What motivated you to assume the leadership of a company in a sector traditionally dominated by men?

Since I was little, my parents instilled in us the culture of teamwork to run the family. We always think of this as our future and as their legacy.

At a very young age, my father encouraged me, he entrusted me with administrative tasks and with the passage of time, accounting tasks. As the years went by, I began to understand the suppliers, the inputs, the payment modalities, and over time I took over all those tasks to free him from them.

When the time came for him to retire, I had been working on all the processes and that made the transfer easier.

What strategies have you implemented to innovate and differentiate yourself in the funeral market?

Although I work more in the administrative areas than in the creative ones, the main element to market products that customers like and serve has always been listening to them, chatting with them consciously about the difficulties they face and searching together with our team and collaborators. new options to adapt existing products.

What challenges and opportunities have you faced as a woman leading a family business?

The fact of being a woman has never caused me difficulties in carrying out the Company, the ones I had to face I always overcome with temperance. Today we find ourselves in a much more equitable society than before and this area is no exception since there are great female references in the activity performing tasks, managing companies or even training their workers.

We women have an easier arrival, more enjoyable and often the treatment is more dynamic when we are present in companies.

How do you reconcile your role as CEO with your personal and family life?

It is a constant maelstrom, quite a challenge to unify the company and family life. But he carries on with the life project and it is an enormous pleasure. You can’t help but feel fulfilled seeing your children grow up healthy, happy and seeing that both the company and the work team are on the same path.


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