Emile Ratelband finds victims of The Voice a ‘bunch of gold diggers’

Emile Ratelband is annoyed by the abuse riot around The Voice of Holland. The alleged victims of men like Ali B and Marco Borsato are a “bunch of gold diggers,” he says.


RTL has put Emile Ratelband back in the spotlight by giving him his own docusoap on Videoland. Great, says Carlo Boszhard. He believes that RTL should focus even more on this ‘positivity guru’. Meanwhile, Emile interferes in a rather unorthodox way in the biggest RTL scandal ever.

“Bunch of gold diggers!”

The scandal surrounding the RTL 4 hit The Voice of Holland is very inflated, according to Emile. He says he feels “hate to the whole #MeToo affair”. “Talpa has set aside 35 million euros for compensation, for all those people who were allegedly assaulted,” he said. Panorama

“Because Jeroen Rietbergen made a comment about a nice ass, or because a director asked to undo an extra button. fornication. I have no other words for it. These women all talk after each other. Pure to catch money. Bunch of gold diggers they are. It has nothing to do with human suffering at all.”


Doesn’t he see that these kinds of statements can hit incredibly hard on victims of abuse? RTL has not taken The Voice off the tube for nothing. “That’s always been a big reproach, that I’m such a huge misogynist. Not true at all. I’m just honest and clear. In the media, in my work and in my private life.”

Women complain and exaggerate enormously, says Emile. “Last week I was visiting a friend in the Netherlands. If he lights a cigarette, that bitch of his immediately starts to moan. Maybe he wanted to smoke that thing on the balcony. I ask the guy: who pays the mortgage here? You? Well then!”

‘Off the balcony!’

You have to put those kinds of women in their place immediately, Emile explains. “Let that bitch get the typhus, man! If that had been my bitch, I would have knocked her right off that balcony. Well, his wife sat next to him and heard me say it all. She cringed completely.”

“Well, you’re right, said the guy then.”
