Emile Ratelband denounces Danny de Munk: ‘Sick woman!’

Emile Ratelband, who is being lifted by RTL’s Videoland, is disgusted by the alleged victim of Danny de Munk. According to him, the former employee of Stage is a ‘sick woman’.

© Videoland

Two months ago, Yvonne Coldeweijer brought out countless stories about misconduct by Danny de Munk. The woman who has now reported rape against him felt empowered by those stories to finally seek justice after fifteen years. She is now dismissed by many people as an attention grabber.

“Sick woman!”

A number of celebrities are also critical of Danny’s reporter. For example, Emile Ratelband, who is currently playing the leading role in a docuseries on Videoland, is furious. “FIFTEEN years ago??? What kind of sick woman (…) is this?? It’s outrageous that these idiots get a platform. Does John van den Heuvel no longer have a real job?”, he tweeted.

Harry Vermeegen is also critical. “Yeah, phew, fifteen years ago, huh, we’re talking about. Fifteen years ago! And then she didn’t open her mouth, then nothing was said”, he says on his opinion channel

‘All so heavy’

It’s all very exaggerated, Harry thinks. “Probably Danny may have put his hands in the wrong place for a while and that’s also called assault and rape. It’s all so heavy.”

Maybe she made it up, he says. “Johnny Depp has now shown that men can sometimes be right and that women can sometimes just lie. Yes, you can! They can just lie out of their ass. Which can! That has now been proven!”

Johan has doubts

Johan Derksen also has doubts. He says in Today Inside: “It is something that happened years ago and the lady now feels uncomfortable about it. I can’t get into that lady’s skin, but she hasn’t had that feeling for many years: I feel uncomfortable with it. (…) I always have my doubts when something like this comes up years later.”

There is a witch hunt going on, Johan believes. “The neat and tidy John van den Heuvel just participates in that, doesn’t he? Just throw all the misery on it without there having been an investigation.”

And Albert Verlinde? He points out that the reporter may just be out for revenge: “What could be is that it is someone who was in love with him or just call it all.”

‘Not after money!’

John van den Heuvel, who is in contact with the declarant, states in RTL Boulevard that the declarant is absolutely not interested in media attention. “It is certainly not the case that she is after money or anything like that. On the contrary.”

“What she says is: ‘Something really bad happened 15 years ago. It has continued to dominate my life in the years since. When I heard that other women had come forward, I said: then I will also put my story down.’”
