Emergency services: relatively quiet New Year’s Eve, except in Amsterdam

The safety regions in the province can look back on a relatively quiet New Year. Less went up in flames than last year. Unfortunately, there was a fireworks death in Haarlem this year. Four police officers were injured in Amsterdam during New Year’s Eve.

Photo: Inter Visual Studio

The Kennemerland safety region had a quieter night than last year, but it did one death in the region. “Our thoughts go out to the relatives,” they write on their website.

There was a fireworks ban in Haarlem, Bloemendaal and Heemstede last night. There was also a fireworks ban here last year. “In our systems we see that there have been 19 fireworks-related incidents for the Kennemerland Fire Department,” the safety region said. “Last year there were 46.”

Police pelted with fireworks

The Zaanstreek-Waterland safety region has been a lot less busy than last year. The safety region believes that this is mainly due to the rainy weather. “The party was marred by a somewhat larger incident in which the riot police were deployed.” In the Poelenburg district of Zaandam, passers-by, police officers and cars were seen bombarded with fireworks, after which the riot police were deployed.

Ambulance workers had a less busy night in the Zaanstreek-Waterland region than in recent years. There were also half as many fires as last year. “In approximately half of the cases, a fire was caused by fireworks. In many cases this involved container fires. Damage was often the result of vandalism and fireworks in combination with the strong wind,” the safety region said.

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ME deployed in Huizen after disturbances

The fire brigade in ‘t Gooi had a ‘relatively quiet and manageable’ night. Most notifications of the fires that came in were small outdoor fires, according to the Gooi and Vechtstreek fire brigade.

An exception in the region was Huizen, where a group of thirty to forty young people caused disturbances at the Kostmand shopping center. Vandalism was committed there and young people threw fireworks and stones at the police. The Mobile Unit had to be deployed to restore peace. The police searched and identified 15 to 20 young people, but no one was arrested.

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‘Manageable New Year’s Eve’

The North Holland North Safety Region speaks of a manageable New Year’s Eve. It was about as busy there as last year. “The fire brigade was deployed slightly less and the ambulances slightly more,” the safety region said.

“It was uneasy in some places due to outdoor fires in waste bins and containers, fires in outbuildings near homes, a gas leak, a number of fireworks victims and fireworks nuisance.” Such as in Julianadorp, where a bystander was shot in the head. “Around 9:30 p.m. another three people were injured by fireworks in Julianadorp.” In Heerhugowaard someone seriously injured his hand while lighting fireworks.

Violence against aid workers

Things were less quiet in Amsterdam last night and last night. A total of 85 arrests have been made. According to the municipality, more reports of violence against police, ambulance personnel, fire brigades and boas have been made than last year. The triangle of deputy mayor, chief officer and police chief calls the many incidents ‘unacceptable’.

According to the municipality, New Year’s Eve was ‘busy and generally festive’. However, things went wrong in various places in the city and the Mobile Unit had to intervene several times.

It was a quieter night for the Amsterdam fire brigade compared to last year, although according to the municipality they were also hindered in their work. The largest number of incidents involved container fires and car and bicycle fires.
