Embarkation, what is that and what does it mean for my pension? † Financial


The best of De Telegraaf

The trio that presented the Future Pensions Act to the House of Representatives: Minister Schouten, VNO-NCW chairman Ingrid Thijssen and FNV chairman Tuur Elzinga.

The trio that presented the Future Pensions Act to the House of Representatives: Minister Schouten, VNO-NCW chairman Ingrid Thijssen and FNV chairman Tuur Elzinga.

AMSTERDAM – After the Netherlands had been title holder for years as a country with the best pension system worldwide, the social partners and now Minister Carola Schouten (Pensions) felt that it was time for some modernisation. It had to be adapted to the new trends in the economy, the labor market and market interest rates. And in order to switch to the new system, pension funds have to step in. But what exactly is entry? And is it important for the participants?
