Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, social greetings to his daughter Luisa

Andmanuele Filiberto of Savoy, his daughter Luisa and all the love there is. On 16 August the second child of the prince and Clotilde Courau has turned 16 years old. And the father’s social wishes are a real declaration of love to his growing child.

Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, social greetings to Luisa

A close-up of the smiling, radiant and beautiful birthday girl. Here is the image chosen by Emanuele Filiberto shared on social media on his birthday. “Dare to live the life you dreamed of. Go ahead and make your dreams come true. Happy birthday my love, I’m proud to be your father »wrote the prince in the caption. Words that perfectly describe the deep bond between father and daughter. And the great love that Emanuele Filiberto has for his family.

Best wishes from mother Clotilde Courau

Even mother Clotilde celebrated her little girl on social media. The actress shared some shots between the Stories of Instagram, complete with “16” and little hearts emoticons. After all, she and her husband Emanuele Filiberto love to share their great love for social media the daughters Vittoria, the eldest, and the now sixteen year old Luisa. Also publishing the shots of the moments spent together with their two girls.

Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, a social dad

It is not the first time that Emanuele Filiberto shares his love for his daughters with his followers. Last year, again for Luisa’s birthday, he published the image of a hug three father and daughter. “Many, many, many wishes and much, much, much love (which on my part will never fail!)” She wrote. For Vittoria’s birthday, on the other hand, she leafed through her memory album sharing images of the past, when the eldest was still a small child who needed her father’s help to get dressed. Indelible images in the mind of a parent, who goes back in time to each child’s birthday.

