EM | DBB team on cloud nine: basketball sensation causes “total goosebumps”

Miracle thrower Leonie Fiebich almost burst with happiness after the small German basketball sensation from Ljubljana, national coach Lisa Thomaidis shed tears of joy: With their best European Championship result since 1997, a brilliant DBB selection at the EuroBasket has returned to the extended international after dreary decades Played great – and is close to an Olympic adventure.

“I have nothing but emotions right now, I can’t find the words. I’m just so happy,” said Fiebich, incredibly nerve-racking match winner in the placement game thriller against the Czech Republic (71:69 aet). With this, the German team, who had previously had no chance against top favorite Spain in the quarter-finals, secured their ticket to the Olympic qualifying tournament in February before the duel for fifth place on Sunday against Serbia.

“We never thought of that before,” said Fiebich: “I’m incredibly proud of my team.” However, the exceptional 22-year-old player could also be credited for her own performance: Her sensational art throw – on one leg, with high board contact – for 63:63 with only 0.4 seconds on the clock secured the DBB team against the Czech Republic on Saturday Renewal.

“It was totally wild”

“It was the biggest hit I’ve had in my career,” said the Bavarian, who plays for Spain’s first division club Zaragoza. Her teammate Emily Bessoir was somewhat flabbergasted: “It was totally wild. You only see that in films or historical moments.”

Because Fiebich finally converted the two decisive free throws in overtime, the big hit is now in: Paris 2024.

“It feels great and wasn’t really predictable. It’s unbelievable,” said Thomaidis, considering the best EM performance in 26 years. At that time, the team led by Marlies Askamp, ​​probably the best German player in history, won bronze in Hungary.

“We have an exciting squad”

The “Generation Askamp” qualified for the World Cup a year later, but no German team ever made it to the Olympics. The new generation around Fiebich and Marie Gülich, who is equally impressive at the EuroBasket, can change that: next spring there will be four four-person tournaments for 14 nations – the already qualified French (hosts) and US-Americans (world champions) will also be playing ten Olympic tickets. And in the German team, the WNBA aces Satou and Nyara Sabally, who are missing at the European Championships, may also be involved.

“We have an exciting squad,” said national coach Thomaidis. And this exciting selection is about to face perhaps the most exciting era in its history: 2024 possibly the Olympics, in 2026 the DBB women will then host a World Cup for the second time. “It gives me goosebumps,” said Bessoir.
