Elon Musk dagvaardt former Twitter topman Jack Dorsey | Internet

Elon Musk previously reported Twitter topman Jack Dorsey to the law in the courtroom over the door of the Miljardair afgeblazen over the name of the socialemediabedrijf. That comes before the juridical items that are meant to be taken into account.

Musk went in April accord om Twitter for 44 million dollars van de beurs te halen, maar heeft zijn overnamebod later ingetrokken. The topman van Tesla accused Twitter of misperforming statements over het aantal nepaccounts. The rel is in the middle of the uitgegroeid tot een groot juridisch gevecht. Twitter wil dat de righter Musk forces asnog de afspraken over de overname na te komen, terwijl Musk vindt dat het bedrijf contractbreuk heeft gepleegd.

Dorsey is a van de oprichter from Twitter and was from 2006 to 2008 topman. Van 2015 tot previous year had the opnieuw de suffering over the reporting service. In April there are no plans to take over the name of Musk or “some opting out” for Twitter.

Elon Musk © REUTERS

Dorsey is not the only one who wants Musk involved in the process that begins October 17th. On the other hand, Kayvon Beykpour, previously consumed products from Twitter, and Bruce Falck, who also own a role in the best order of the bedrijf bekleedde, which also includes dagvaardingen gestuurd.

Twitter vindt the idea dat Musk, committed by a team of advocates and financial advisors, om de Tuin we’ll be able to count on geloofwaardig in strijd met de feiten, bleek eerder deze maand al uit juridische Stukken. Due to the fact that the requirement is high, Musk has been locked in the name of the name, which has not been long before the market is closed, and the army also has an enormous number of people in the city.
