Elodie in Sanremo 2023 with the song Due

LFourth time and it’s like it’s the first. Elodies back to Sanremo Music Festival 2023 but the emotion is the same as in 2017, when he walked the Ariston stage for the first time with the song All my fault. This year presents Twoa song that comes at a time of great success, personal and professional.

Elodie in Sanremo 2023 with Two

«It’s a stage that has given me so much: growing up, confronting myself and having more and more courage»: this is how the Italian music star recounts his relationship with Ariston. A deep bond that reminds her of her adolescence. Because, looking back at her previous performances, she has only one thought in her head: «I’m doing what I wanted to do with my life at 15” He says introducing the new song. Thus, after two experiences as a competitor and a year as co-host, Elodie returns to the Festival among the big names with the song Two. A song dedicated to a love born and finished. And, therefore, the need to let off steam. “AND a song to listen to on headphones in a moment of nervousness, to let off steam» he explains in the Instagram post shared on the Sanremo Festival profile. It is a song that the singer recommends “listen to in the evening, alone, not in company”. Because the goal of every single note is precisely to help the outlet.

All times at the Festival

The singer in Sanremo 2021 (Getty)

Born in 1990, Elodie Di Patrizi established herself in the world of Italian music after winning the fifteenth edition of Friends. It is precisely the talent show conducted by Maria De Filippi that opens the doors of Sanremo to her, in which she participates for the first time in 2017 with All my fault. Success comes later, in 2020 with Andromeda. This is the name of the song presented in Sanremo 2020 to which the singer is still very attached. “She brought me luck,” she says to Amadeus who still remembers her on the Ariston stage with a “strong performance. You brought great energy to the stage».

In 2021, then, Elodie participates in the Festival as co-host of the second night. And, even that year, the Elodie phenomenon did not go unnoticed. «It was the year of Covid, the audience was empty» recalls the artistic director. But Elodie, accompanied only by the orchestra and by millions of viewers at home, enchanted with a «performance by a great international artist». And we can bet that his return this year will be no different. And the reason is clearly explained: every time he sings in Sanremo «I grant little wishes put in the drawer».

Career and love

For Elodie this is a truly magical moment. Her career is experiencing a fertile period. In addition to Sanremo 2023, in fact, it is out his fourth album, Okay. Breathe. Among the songs contained, there is also Purple in the Sky, the piece that opens the disc, out February 3rd. On February 10, however, it comes out on Prime Video I still feel dizzya documentary about his life. «My last two years in a docu-series. From Sanremo ’21 to Sanremo ’23. I wanted to show things that no one has access to. For example, how hard it is to choose a song for Sanremo »she explains on Instagram. Not only. Elodie is a versatile and transversal artist. He made his debut, in fact, also in the cinema with I eat your heart, film by Pippo Mezzapesa in which he starred with Michele Placido. In short, a real star, complete with a concert scheduled at the Assago Forum on May 12th.

But also a star who finally seems to have found love. After the break with Marracash (it seems that the Sanremo song refers to this), since last year Elodie is a steady couple with Andrea Iannone. After rumors and gossip, the two were paparazzi together hand in hand. And it is not excluded that the pilot will accompany her to Sanremo. After all, both have important loves behind them: she has an on and off relationship with Marracash and a flirtation with the model Davide Rossi, he has a relationship with Belen Rodriguez. But, choosing each other, they decided to give love another chance leaving everything else behind.

Elodie at her debut as an actress in Venice 79: «For my debut at the cinema I was waiting for magic»

Elodie’s style

Before becoming a musical phenomenon, Elodie worked in some clubs as a cubist and vocalist. Always close to the Lgbtq community, she is an eclectic and chameleonic artist, capable of constantly changing looks and styles. In addition to her talent and voice, in fact, her constant changes of look are noticed and appreciated.

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Pass with ease from very short platinum pixie to very long afro braids. Toggle rock clothing complete with leather pants ad sexy and sensual clothes complete with bustiers and plunging necklines. She demonstrating, once again, that she is an all-round artist, capable of combining many arts, singing and acting, in fashion. And she will do it again: on the stage of Sanremo 2023.

