Elodie confirms the relationship with Iannone: “He is a person I like, in this phase …”

The statements of the singer at Vanity Fair

Elodie Di Patrizi confirmed in an interview with Vanity Fair her relationship with Andrea Iannone. The two had recently been spotted in Lugano and at the sea. The magazine Who has paparazzi them as they enter Palazzo Parigi in Milan for a lunch. And the singer confessed to Vanity: “Andrew Iannone he is a person I like, but at this stage I don’t think there are any expectations on either side. If it does bloom, it will bloom. But this is not the time to talk about it. ” Belen Rodriguez At the moment she has not expressed herself in words about the ex’s relationship, but she certainly approves: a series of likes on Elodie’s Instagram profile speak for themselves.
