Ellie Lust pelted by Özcan Akyol and Johan Derksen: ‘Shut up!’

Ellie Lust was beaten pretty hard yesterday in Today Inside, both by Johan Derksen and Özcan Akyol. “Ellie, shut up, because you’re on TV every night with a gambling commercial!”

© SBS 6, NPO

Ellie Lust’s climate plea is bad for Johan Derksen. The former policewoman wants to ban flights to Berlin and Paris and believes that we should decide together ‘not to drink coffee in Barcelona’. She herself could be found in the south of France in recent weeks to have fun to drink wine

Hard tackled

It gives Ellie a decent reprimand from Johan. “That Ellie Lust is driving me crazy! Ellie Lust will do anything to get publicity. She’s desperate because I don’t think she has a TV show. She resigned or was kicked out by the police, I don’t know, but she thought she was going to be the big TV star.”

He continues in his program Today Inside: “But then she first comes up with an item in the media – nowadays it’s all on a podcast, it drives me crazy too – that people have to go on holiday by train and that kind of bullshit, you know. If you want to go to Ibiza, it’s a bit difficult.”

‘Shut your mouth!’

Johan is pro train travel, but thinks Ellie is hypocritical. “There are excellent train connections in Europe and I must say: I find traveling by train very comfortable and relaxed. Anyway, then I think: Ellie, shut up, because you’re on TV every night with a gambling commercial. It’s all so at odds, isn’t it? But as long as she’s in the picture, eh?”

René van der Gijp: “That Ellie was simply made into thinking by TV men that it is an enormous talent.”

Özcan Akyol cynically: “She became a big star.”

René: “Yes, that she is herself and is authentic. That’s what those TV guys tried to explain to her. But what does it turn out to be? That talent is not that bad.”

Özcan goes wild

Ellie can’t take criticism, according to Özcan. He wrote her down in December in the VARA guide and she complained about it. “I once wrote it down in my column in the VARAgids, it was published and three days later the telephone rang to the editors of the VARAgids: ‘With Ellie Lust.’”

What did she say then? “She called the editors because I had been critical. I had said: ‘He has come to believe in himself a lot.’ Then she called to say, really in a half hour conversation from what I understand, that she was going to cancel her subscription. Because I had been so critical in my column.”

Ellie says on

Özcan continues: “After explaining it all, she said, ‘Thank you for all the years. I have always enjoyed reading your guide, but this is where we part ways.’”

He continues: “With normal people, you call the reader service or send an email or something when you cancel something, but the lady thinks she is so important… She calls the editors herself to say that she was hurt by my column and that wanted to make a point.”

Johan sighs: “I can no longer hear the word hurt. It seems that all the ladies in the Netherlands are ‘hurt’.”
