Ellen ten Damme shares good news about her health

With a happy photo of herself, Ellen writes: “Thank you for all the sweet cards and gifts, they have helped me enormously! It’s going really well: the recovery has gone according to plan, so I’m happy to announce that we, the band and I, are going to perform again!!”

Third time breast cancer

At the beginning of this month, the singer’s management shared that Ellen would not perform until July 7 because she had been diagnosed with breast cancer for the third time. “We have been diagnosed with breast cancer again. Fortunately, treatments can take place. Nevertheless, Ellen will have to rest for a while, so that she can go back to it with full energy! We have every confidence in that,” they wrote at the time. In 2005 and 2017, the singer received the same diagnosis.

Ellen ten Damme back on stage

It is now going so well that she will be back on stage from 22 July during De Parade in Utrecht and Amsterdam. In mid-September she will be touring again with her performance Barock!.

Source: Instagram

June 29, 2022
