Ellen Jokikunnas is selling her summer cottage known from TV

Presenter Ellen Jokikunnas is giving up her Pirkanmaa summer paradise seen on TV.

Ellen Jokikunnas is selling her Ylöjärven cottage. Riitta Heiskanen

Presenter Ellen Jokikunnas is selling his summer cottage in Ylöjärvi, which is familiar to TV viewers from the Huvila ja Huussi show. In the program, the cottage’s yard experienced a big transformation.

– We are just on our way to Italy to buy the next renovation property of our dreams. Realizing new dreams always requires giving up something. I hope our sweet cottage will have new wonderful owners for the summer, writes Jokikunnas on Instagram.

At the same time, he says that the cottage is not yet for public sale. The asking price is 152,000 euros. You can see the pictures of the cabin below or from here.

The host says in the update that he and his spouse renewed the roof and foundations of the cabin, and in addition, the cabin has been extensively renovated in the interior.

In the “Huvila ja Huussi” episode, Jokikunnas summer paradise was made with a summer kitchen, cottage stairs, guest house, wharf and huussi. The cabin is located on the shore of a small lake and has its own 90 meters of shoreline.

In addition to the cottage, Jokikunnas’ home, Röykä station in Nurmijärvi, is a sanctuary of tuna ideas, which the host has adapted to his taste over the years.

Ellen Jokikunnas became public in 1998 from the Miss Finland contest. He has hosted several entertainment programs on television. His voice was also previously heard on the frequencies of Radio Aalto and Helmiradio, among others. Currently, Jokikunnas is participating in the Master Cleaners Suomi program, where they compete for the title of the best cleaner.
