Ellemieke Vermolen purely for the money at the desk at Shownieuws

Ellemieke Vermolen is purely at the desk at Shownieuws for the money. After her divorce from top chef Sergio Herman, the money tap was closed and she could use a lucrative TV job.

© SBS 6, Instagram

Although her relationship with Sergio Herman has come to an end, Ellemieke Vermolen has continued to live in Belgium. She did consider moving back after her divorce, but stayed because of her two children. “I don’t want to pull those boys away from their familiar environment,” she says in The Telegraph.

Job at Shownieuws

However, Ellemieke does not feel like a normal job in Belgium and that is why we have recently seen her on Dutch TV. She regularly appears in Shownieuws. “I love driving to Amsterdam to join Shownieuws. It’s a long way, but I’m up for it.”

After all, show news pays very well. “I love being able to talk there about health, nutrition and care – even though I die a thousand deaths for every broadcast, haha.”

Money tap closed

It’s nice that she has some TV income again, says Ellemieke. “Show news came at the right time. During my marriage to Sergio, we agreed that I would stay at home with the children. When we broke up, the money tap also partially closed and I had to look for ways to become financially independent again.”

She continues: “I approached all kinds of companies for collaborations on social media and was called by Erland (Galjaard, one of the many bobo’s at Talpa, ed.) to ask if I would like to join Shownieuws every now and then. . I’m really proud of myself. I’ll give it a shot anyway!”
