Ella Kanninen’s most positive Finn of the year – Reveals her own role model in positivity

Ella Kanninen always tries to find at least one positive side of things.

Ella Kanninen is known, for example, as the presenter of the Puoli sättam program. Miia Sirén

Presenter-journalist Ella Kanninen was awarded the most positive Finn of the year award on Monday, October 23. The prize is awarded in cooperation with the Nenäpäivä Foundation.

Ella Kanninen, the positivist contacted by Iltalehti, has been admitted.

– My heart really skipped a beat and it still hasn’t subsided, Kanninen says happily to Iltalehti.

Ella Kanninen was chosen as the most positive Finnish model of the year 2023. Positive arms

Kanninen feels that with the award comes responsibility. Maintaining a positive and positive atmosphere is not a given these days, when the news is dark and the world situation is difficult.

– When the people and the voters have thought in this way that I am positive, I feel responsible for living up to what they think I am. Yes, I love life and feel great joy in being alive, he continues.

An example of positivity

Kanninen has always had a positive attitude towards life. He remembers from his childhood how being in a good mood has been a normal and natural state of being for him.

– I try to forcefully list the positive aspects of the issue, which I perceive as a challenge. We all have worries, and so do I at the moment, but I’m trying hard to think of what positive could be said to counterbalance this. I also draw positivity from other people. I strive not to take away other people’s energy, but to be able to give it when needed, Kanninen opens.

– I myself have survived life without major sorrows. Sure, there has been sadness and loss, but no serious illness or losing loved ones unexpectedly. It has definitely protected me and kept my baseline positive.

Ella Kanninen is grateful that she has been able to live without great sorrows. Miia Sirén

An example of positivity can be found in Kannine’s family circle. Kanninen follows his teachings even today.

– My Tuula mother is my role model in positivity. He has always said that the past is the past, it’s time to look forward and to the future. Today, thanks to him, I am able to put adversity behind me quite quickly.

The most positive moment

When you ask Kannisen about the most positive moment of this year, it’s hard to find an answer.

– It’s hard to find one positive moment, but many times this year I have said out loud that thank you for today. There have been strong feelings of being alive and moments of gratitude, when I had to thank the whole world and some kind of super powers.

Ella Kanninen’s role model in positivity is her own Tuula mother. Miia Sirén

Kanninen has been happy about this autumn’s wonderful mushroom harvest and moments in mushroom forests, winter open water swimming trips and the small joys of everyday life.

– Such everyday positive moments and simple things, not one above the others. Sure Half past six – program won the Venla award in the spring, but I still wouldn’t single out one moment above the others.

– Positivity comes from momentary insights and situations. People should take a cue from them.

Kanninen also gives all Finns a tip on how everyone could increase positivity.

– Helping and considering others increases positivity. For that, I encourage people not to look at their own toes when times and weather are gloomy, but to look each other in the eyes, smile and consider others. Because we are here for each other, Kanninen concludes.

The positivity guru is gone

The Positive Finn of the Year award has been awarded since 1993. The reason behind the award and the title is Juhani Töytärin founded by Positiivarit Oy.

This year, however, the Positive Finn of the Year title was awarded in a slightly sad mood, when positivity guru Juhani Töytäri died just two days before the award was handed out on Saturday, October 21.

Juhani Töytäri was 70 years old when he died. Emil Bobyrev

– Juhani was able to spend his last days surrounded by family and friends, laughing, telling stories and planning the future of his company, says Juhani Töytäri’s daughter, Positiivareit’s project manager Riikka Töytäri in the bulletin.

– Fate dictated that the most positive Finn of the year will be announced today. The most positive Finn was Juhan’s most important life work. We want to honor Juhani’s memory by ensuring that Positiivare’s activities continue as before and that the Most Positive Finn of the Year award will continue to be awarded, Riikka Töytäri continues.

Ella Kanninen in an interview with Iltalehti. IL-TV
