Ella Junnila published a touching update for the deceased Heikki Herva

Ella Junnila remembered Heikki Herva.

Ella Junnila published a touching update about Heikki Herva. Jaakko Stenroos/AOP

A high jumper Ella Junnila remembered the deceased on his Instagram account Heikki Hervaa.

Junnila published a picture of the two, where Junnila is on Herva’s backpack.

– Rest in peace Goofy. Music was Hessu’s wish for the last trip, Junnila wrote next to the photo.

If the embed is not visible on your device, you can watch it from here.

Junnila added Queen to the update Who Wants To Live Forever – song.

Entries in the comment field have been written, among other things, by track and field athletes Reetta Hurske, Mary Huntington and Top Raitanen and news anchor Kirsi Alm-Siira.

Herva married Ringa Ropo, Junnila’s mother, last year.

Herva died of a long-term illness at the age of 60. The former top triple jumper won several Finnish championships in his career, as he celebrated the SM gold on outdoor tracks four times and on indoor tracks three times.

He was 18th at the European Championships in Helsinki, when he jumped the result with 16.08.

Ringa Ropo and Heikki Herva got married a year ago. Photo from 2020. ANNA JOUSILAHTI
