Elke Slagt-Tichelman and Inge Oosting on the GroenLinks/PvdA electoral list

The joint electoral list of GroenLinks and the PvdA contains two names from Drenthe. Former Staten Slagt-Tichelman (GL) from Assen is in ninth place, and former councilor Inge Oosting (PvdA) from Elim is in thirty.

It was previously announced that Frans Timmermans, former minister and European Commissioner, is the party leader. The rest of the electoral list was announced this afternoon.

Slagt-Tichelman has been in the Provincial Council for the past four years. She lost her spot in March, because GroenLinks lost two seats in Drenthe. Slagt-Tichelman grew up in Gelderland, but has lived in Drenthe for the past nineteen years. In daily life she works in healthcare.

According to the candidate committee, the politician has “analytical skills”, but she also takes “the human aspect” into account. Slagt-Tichelman himself also feels responsible for standing up for nature.

Inge Oosting – in number thirty – is also no stranger to politics. In 2010 she became a councilor in the municipality of Hoogeveen on behalf of the PvdA. Four years later she became party leader and party leader in 2018. Oosting works in the business world. According to the candidates committee, she is “down-to-earth, direct, honest and loyal” and, as an opposition member, she made “a strong and consistent contribution” to the local government in Hoogeveen.

The combination of GroenLinks and PvdA has twenty seats in a latest poll by EenVandaag. That would mean that Slagt-Tichelman would enter the House of Representatives. In principle, Oosting does not, unless she receives many preferential votes. Another option is for GroenLinks/PvdA to join the coalition and therefore provide ministers and state secretaries, causing Oosting to rise on the list.
