Elisabetta Canalis, what happened with Corvaglia

TOfriends and then enemies. Inseparable and now very distant. It’s the story of Elisabetta Canalis and Maddalena Corvagliathe showgirls par excellence, the brunette and the blonde remained in the history of Strip the news and also in the hearts of the public. For years, as well as colleagues, they are you are much more than friends, almost sisters. Then goodbye of which the causes are not yet known and on which the blonde Maddalena Corvaglia returns to speak in a long interview given to Corriere della Sera.

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Elisabetta Canalis and Maddalena Corvaglia: the story of a friendship

The bond between the two women of the Italian star system was born on the counter of Strip the news. There, as well as showgirls, they became great friends. And for years, since 1999 to 2002, they were next to each other, even on the most beautiful day of both, that of the wedding. At their respective weddings, in fact, they acted as a witness: Maddy when Canalis married Brian Perri, and Ely when Corvaglia married Stef Burns. The two then opened a gym together in Los Angeles, thus combining friendship and business. Until goodbye.

The break between the two

The former showgirls on the Striscia la Notizia counter (Ansa)

At some point, something breaks between the two. But what? «I will never say, it was too bad for me. When trust is lost, friendship breaks down» said Maddalena Corvaglia to Courier. It is not clear, therefore, what led two great friends like them to say goodbye. And neither of them, it seems, wants to reveal the cause of the end of their friendship.

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No forgiveness

And whoever hopes to see the two ex-showgirls together again can put their mind at peace: the two will not become friends again. «At the moment no and rightly so, then never say never in life» points out Corvaglia. While emphasizing that he has no negative feelings towards her ex-friend: «I still love her, I want to know she’s happy, I wish her the best. I know he has personal issues now and I’m sorry. Talking bad about it now would be vulgar, it’s not done. For a long time I felt empty without her, now I’m used to her absence». Also because next to her there are other new friends: «Few but good, special people, I chose them with care. A? Costanza Caracciolo, very good girl».

