Elina Kanerva for the first time in public after Ilka’s death

Elina Kanerva speaks at Suomi-arena about the time after her husband’s passing.

Elina Kanerva (nee Kiikko) is known as the wife of the late Illka ​​Kanerva. Roni Lehti

The widow of politician Ilkka Kanerva, who died in mid-April Elina Kanerva (née Kiikko) took part in an interview at the Suomi-arena today, July 13. You can look recording of the interview MTV Katsomo streaming service.

In an interview, Elina talks about the time after Ilka’s death. The mourning work is still in progress.

– One day at a time and life must go on, Elina sums up.

Elina returned to work a few weeks after Ilka’s death. Everyday routines have brought relief to grief. However, the summer vacation stopped Elina, because she understood that she has to plan the vacation alone now.

– Of course I wondered what we would have done with Ilka now.

Ilkka and Elina Kanerva at Linna’s party in 2017. Jenni Gästgivar

Elina’s grieving process has been made easier by the support and contacts of loved ones. Politicians and ordinary citizens have conveyed their condolences to Elina over the course of three months. His heart has been warmed by the positive light Ilkka has left in people’s minds.

Elina is still going through big life changes during the summer, as she is moving from Turku to Helsinki.

– My daughter lives there. I want to move closer to him, Elina tells the interviewer.

Leaving the apartment in Turku feels longing for Elina, as she has lived in the city for a long time. There are also many memories associated with the apartment in Turku.

– I don’t want to stay inside the four walls. I want to be around people and meet friends and acquaintances. Perhaps finding new ones, Elina opens up about her future plans.

The heathers managed to stay together for 23 years. They got married in 2019 in Turku at St. Michael’s Church after 20 years together.

Such was Ilkka Kanerva’s career.
