Eleventh part of Zuidwolde farm book is about Bloemberg

The Oudheidkamer Zuidwolde has once again been able to add a part to the series ‘The Farms of Zuidwolde’. In this part 11, Jannes Scheper and Henk van Goor describe the farms on the Bloemberg.

The historic center of this approximately 500-year-old hamlet is Bloemberg 3 farm, and a farm that was demolished in 1878 and was less than a stone’s throw away. Until 1820 these were the only two farms, but after that the number of farms steadily increased. Initially, the inhabitants of these new farms mainly bore the family name Bloemberg, later families also came who tried to build up a farming life by reclamation in the Bloemberger Slagen.

The book is not only limited to the farms, it also covers the middle class. After all, the local baker, carpenter and miller also had some livestock without exception.

Special aspects

In a number of encores, this part of The Farms of Zuidwolde attention was paid to special aspects of farming life or special events, such as the fight against cattle plague and the Bloemberger folk festival.

The book contains 115 pages and the text is graced with numerous photos and other illustrations. The book is available at Cultuurhistorisch Museum De Wemme and via www.oudheidkamerzuidwolde.nl or email: info@oudheidkamerzuidwolde and costs € 15.00 (€ 20.00 incl. shipping costs).
