Eleven meter long poles go into the ground for new bridges on the Paletsingel

Construction and work is underway on the Paletsingel in the Rokkeveen district. To new-build homes, but also to new pedestrian and cyclist bridges. Along the waterfront, construction workers drive eleven-metre-long piles into the ground.

Local residents have been experiencing nuisance for some time due to the construction of new homes and the closure of two wooden bridges. But… the Paletsingel is getting a bit more beautiful every time.

About a week for a new bridge

An employee of contractor Damsteegt explains: “We are installing a concrete bridge at two places along the waterfront. Many wooden bridges in Zoetermeer need to be replaced. This is also the case here in Rokkeveen. The long posts that you see go eleven meters into the ground so that we can place the pillars on them.” Damsteegt has been building a new bridge for about a week.

Standard model

Throughout the city we see wooden bridges being replaced by anthracite-colored variants. “We have recently replaced about 70 concrete and steel bridges in Zoetermeer. Think of the Westerpark and several places in Rokkeveen. They are standard bridges with steel railings that run slightly in an arc.”

In addition to the new bridges, a building with 62 social rented apartments and farm houses will be built between Paletsingel and Kleurlaan at the intersection with Groen-blauwlaan (Rokkeveenseweg Zuid).

New bridge near the Picasso Lyceum. Photo: near Zoetermeer

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