Elena Sofia Ricci, tormented love and relationship with Pedro

The marriage with Luca Damiani collapsed after a year and the one with Stefano Mainetti ended after 19 years

Elena Sofia Ricci gave a long interview to Corriere della Sera, in which he talked about the events of his troubled love life. Now, however, it seems that the actress has finally found some serenity next to Pedro, an Argentine tango master, who is teaching her the art of letting herself be carried away by the sensual movements of the dance. “Life is now,” he told her once. “Don’t waste it with phrases like ‘I can’t dance’.” A message that opened a new chapter in the actress’s life, which she felt free to express herselfabandoning yourself in the safe arms of the dance master.

private life

Elena Sofia Ricci’s private life has gone through various phases, many ups and downs, and significant relationships over the years. In 1991, the actress said the fateful “yes” to the writer Luca Damiani, but their marriage lasted just under a year. Subsequently, in 1996, she was born Emmathe result of the relationship with Pino Quartullo. In 2003 she celebrated another union, this time with the composer Stefano Mainetti. However, this relationship also came to an end in 2022, thus opening another page in the actress’s personal history. Reflecting on her relationships, Elena Sofia Ricci revealed that perhaps she has always looked for in every partner that idea of ​​”traditional family” that she has missed since she was young. There separation of his parents in fact, during her childhood she would have left a profound imprint on her life, pushing her to seek that sense of stability and family unity that had been stripped from her. “My mother and my father they soon separated, I suffered a lot, I grew up with my grandmother. But this one had a nice wooden floor: I did classical dance and that’s when I started to love theatre. The acting, the set, the ‘pretend'”.

the relationship with the father

The relationship with his parents was difficult, above all with his father. Then the newfound inner peace, thanks to the reconciliation as an adult with the father figure. “After I turned thirty I realized that I had been programmed to hate my father. And then I decided to find him again. Yes, I managed to tell him everything.”

the “chosen” sister

Only at the age of 30, Elena Sofia Ricci met his sister Elisa, born from another relationship of his father. “She was a gift of life” she declared. “An affection that I chose as an adult and not a relationship taken for granted.”

faith rediscovered

“I was ainveterate agnostic” the actress declared in an interview. “But I was very fascinated by the figure of Christ and since I was a child I hoped, one day, to find faith” and so it was. “I received the gift of faith years ago, just as I was a nun on television” he explained, referring to the character of Sister Angela interpreted in God help us. “I don’t know if it’s a form of love, it’s certainly a form of progressive mentality, because those who believe love, have faith in the future and in others, and don’t withdraw into themselves.” A success, that of fiction, which gave her a lot of visibility and the possibility of doing something else. “The nice thing is that this also helps promote other things, for example the theatre, my great love. When, as a director and interpreter, I brought the Phaedra of Seneca on the stage, the theater was full…” he commented.
