Electricity price soaring – Where consumers can find the best prices

Higher CO2 taxes and rising wholesale prices have pushed the price of electricity on the exchange to record levels. For example, the business magazine Forbes reports that the short-term price of electricity on the exchange doubled between early July and early September. According to experts, this enormous price increase will have a lasting effect on consumer prices in a year or two, if at all, some electricity suppliers are already passing on the first price increases to their customers.

Electricity price strongly dependent on provider and place of residence

Exactly how electricity prices will change over the next few months depends heavily on the provider. Your own electricity consumption and your place of residence also play a role. The individually best electricity provider and tariff can be easily determined via online portals such as Check24 or Verivox.

Consumers can use the data from the Federal Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) as a guide. The latest BDEW analysis from July 2022 gives an average electricity price of 37.30 ct/kWh for an annual consumption of 3,500 kWh (this is the usual consumption of a 3-person household).

Basic suppliers again a real alternative

According to the Check24 price comparison in 12359 Berlin, such a 3-person household pays 104.80 euros per month for basic services: this is the cheapest tariff in this part of the city. Berliners can conclude other, similarly favorable tariffs in 12359 with Vattenfall and the eight best contracts offer monthly prices of 130 to 140 euros – also for up to 100 percent green electricity. In tenth place on the Check24 list of the best electricity tariffs is an ostrom tariff for over 180 euros per month. The prices are open-ended, the most expensive tariff on the list is over 400 euros per month.

The fact that a basic supplier offers the cheapest tariff is new. So it can be worthwhile to look at the municipal providers again as a real alternative and to make regular electricity price comparisons. Check24 recommends either switching to a basic supplier or concluding a contract with a price guarantee. By the way: In the event of a price increase, consumers can almost always easily terminate their contract, regardless of the term of the contract. There is a special right of termination.

Editorial office finanzen.net

Image sources: kaczor58 / Shutterstock.com, UschiDaschi / Shutterstock.com
