Electric revolution on the way: market aandeel van new electric cars stijgt | landlocked

De elektrificatie van het Belgische Wagenpark gaat shortly before. In the first quarter there are four options for the newly built vehicles (hybrids of fully electric) that are based on the quarters organized by the Febiac sector.

Last year, the electric vehicle’s electric power was still there in the future, in 2021 it will be four. The 100 percent electric cars are lifted in the first three months of the year for the first part of the cap of 15 percent of the market.

Fiscaal voordeel

Het zijn vooral bedrijven en zelfstandigen the de weg bebenden naar deze auto’s, geholpen door het fiscale voordeel. The plug-in hybrids are more popular than utility vehicles (24 percent), due to 100 percent electric vehicles (21.4 percent) and cell-top loading hybrids (4.7 percent).

Particulate the remaining petrol cars in the market (68.3 percent), followed by the mobile hybrids (13.1 percent), which is popular with diesel (7.6 percent). The fully electric cars have a market share of 5 percent, plug-in hybrids 4.1 percent.


In absolute terms, the first quarter of the year cooks the most petrol cars: 62,379 out of a total of 131,484.

The most popular model in the first three countries was the Volvo XC40, which was intended for Toyota Yaris and Tesla model Y. The Chinese notice zijn nog erg beperkt aanwezig op de Belgische Markt, maar zagen hun marketaandeel op en jaar tijd wel verdubbelen tot 1, 31 percent.
