Electoral campaign and surveys in Barcelona and the rest of Catalonia

ERC and Junts settle accounts for the breakdown of the Government, confronting their pacts with the PSC

Divorces, especially stormy ones, like the one that ERC and Junts experienced last October, with the departure of the post-convergents from the Government, are usually accompanied, in the first phase, by high emotionality, mutual visceral anger. Things, at least in politics, are tempering and, as can be seen in this week that we have been campaigning for the municipal elections, it becomes something more rational. The attacks that ex-partners direct at each other can be more or less harsh, but in no case are they ‘hot’: they know who and how to attack, as well as who they have decided not to lie to. And, of course, they choose the argument with which to try to electorally mow the grass under the feet of the former ally. In this case, both have opted for the same and accuse each other of collusion with the PSC to wear themselves out.

If we divide these municipal elections into two large territories, the ‘rere-país’ and the metropolitan region, the relationship between ERC and Junts is dominated by a curious mirror effect. In the ‘rere-país’, Jordi Turull, but especially Albert Batet and Laura Borràs, incessantly seek hand-to-hand with the Republicans, speaking of plebiscite elections on the management of the Government. Borràs has criticized the socio-vergence at rallies in Badalona, ​​where Junts and the PSC govern together, in a multi-party agreement. Read all the information in this link.
