Electoral campaign 23J | Feijóo: “Vox and Sánchez are the most interested in the PP not having a majority”

“The more I say President Prohens, the more I like it.” The candidate of the Popular Party for the Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, This afternoon he participated in the party’s main campaign rally in the Balearic Islands, where he asked everyone to vote so that there would be no “blockades” on July 23 and he assured that vox and Pedro Sanchez are “the most interested in that the PP does not have a majority“. He has also defended that the arrival of Marga Prohens to the Government will allow people to invest in the islands again because, unlike Francina Armengol, she is “a president who don’t lie and don’t be sectarian“.

Feijóo has defended the “friendly bilingualism” that the Balearic Islands have “always” had so that the language “is not a problem but an opportunity” and has influenced that “we cannot do without the second most spoken language in the world” because it would be “a nonsense”. In addition, he has announced that he will ask that doctors delay retirement in Primary Care and pediatrics as long as there are no new toilets to incorporate.

In this sense, he has stated that he will not “submit” the interests of Spain “no partisan or personal interest” nor will it be “hostage” to any other party. Thus, he has defended that the country wants a change because it has been five years “experiencing divisions, fractures and social tension”with a harsh criticism of Pedro Sanchez for “having to keep quiet so that send the independent minorities” such as ERC and EH Bildu.

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Feijóo has regretted that the Government depends on “those who want to leave Spain”a situation that as he has defended “had never happened”, and he has accused Sánchez of “try to control” all State institutions, from the Constitutional Court to the State Attorney General’s Office: “We have skipped all the consensuses and norms of independence of the bodies to turn them into appendages of the Government”. In this line, he has affirmed that sanchismo is “agreeing on whatever, with whomever and to be there for as long as it is” and, for this reason, he has described the elections as a “moment historical”.

Likewise, he has charged against the President of the Government for calling elections in July “to try to get few people to vote“, although he has warned that they will win the elections because they will mobilize a lot of people despite the heat.
