Elections: view the positions of all political parties here

The elections for the Provincial Council will be held on 15 March. This time 20 parties are taking part, for most of them reading the election programs is impossible. To help you make a choice, the most important points from the party programs have been worked out for you on this page.

Below the tool is explained how to use it.

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This is how the tool works
1. Choose a party by clicking on the logo
2. You will then see a short foreword of the game
3. In that screen you can choose to watch the video in which the party leader gives an elevator pitch
4. To read the views, click on the eye with ‘views’
5. You can then choose to read on the themes of Agriculture & Food, Spatial Planning, Traffic & Transport and Energy
6. Click on the red arrows to scroll
7. You go back to the previous screen by clicking on the cross in the top left
8. From the preface you go back to the main menu by clicking on the house at the top left

Still not sure who to vote for? Below you can Dial Compass to fill in.

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Would you rather read all election programs yourself? You can find them by clicking on a party name below:

• 50PLUS

• Alliance

• AWP, for water, climate and nature

• BoerBurger Movement (BBB)

• Importance of the Netherlands (BVNL)


• ChristenUnie-SGP

• D66

• Forum for Democracy

• GroenLinks

• YES21

• Jesus lives

• Local Brabant

• Elderly Appèl – Heart for Brabant

• Labor Party

• Animal party


• SP

• Volts


Accountability: Omroep Brabant went through all the election programs of the parties participating in the 2023 Provincial Elections. The most important points on the subjects of Agriculture & Food, Spatial Planning, Traffic & Transport and Energy have been collected and put into the tool. The introductory texts were supplied by the parties themselves.
